unique glazes

Hill form and trees Hill form and trees
Strata with trees Strata with trees
Teapot Teapot
Vase Vase
Double tree form Double tree form
Landscape with trees Landscape with trees
Large ginger jar Large ginger jar
Small ginger jars Small ginger jars
The wheel forms the basis of most of Staffordshire based Andrew Matheson's work. Skills learnt through repetition throwing and the discipline required help to inform and develop the individual pieces. "I enjoy and get great satisfaction from all stages of the making right through to the final firing," says Andrew. "All glazes are made by me from research and experimentation and trials of glazes based on oriental tradition. Together with the reduction technique this helps to achieve a distinct range of glazes. Many of the landscape forms and panels incorporate more slabbing hand building techniques with areas of texture to achieve the desired result. The work can be classified into three distinct styles: thrown functional and individual pieces, blue and white ware and landscape ware. Customers include HRH Prince of Wales who purchased two of Andrew's large stoneware bowls.